After carrying out our acoustic test on the violin after Stradivari model “Marquise de Rivière”, we were pleased to examine an instrument made by the very skilled Cremonese violinmaker Maurizio Tadioli. He started his career as a violinmaker in 1984, thanks to his grandfather's teachings; his name was Carlo Pizzamiglio and he was a self-taught violimaker . Over the years, Tadioli has developed his own technique and his instruments are appreciated worldwide and used by international musicians. During our test, the model after Guarneri del Gesù called “Il Cannone di Paganini” was played by the talented Argentinian musician Lucia Luque, who studied with maestro Salvatore Accardo at Foundation Stauffer in Cremona. After firing the audience in San Domenico room on Sunday November 11th while playing Stradivari's Vesuvius in a great concert, she also roused my spirits in my little music room , making me feel strong emotions, both as a spectator and as a journalist. I met Lucia in the afternoon and she was in an extraordinatry state of artistic grace; her friendly and extrovert character has greatly contributed to our spontaneous and amusing conversation. Before describing the test in detail, it is necessary to point out the chance and occasional peculiarity if the event. As a matter of fact, we intend to carry on our recordings at Maestro Wim Janssen's music room, so as to have the same music conditions and responses. In this case that was not possible because of time matters. My music room, though small, has got music balance, as it was professionally designed and optimized fof high-level listenings. However, Wim's music room is not only bigger and endowed with an excellent natural sound, but it is also more beautiful from an aesthetic point of view. Lucia played Tadioli's violin with mastery and detemrination; she then expressed her positive personal opinion about the instrument. Her first words were: ! It has been antiqued in a fine way, has got a balanced sound on its 4 strings and it is easy to play; it only needs to be played more; the beginning is exellent. The amazing recording can be heard in the dedicated case and demonstrated what has just been written. The sound, of course, also depends on the technical equipment you use to listen to . My advice is to see antiqued violins at Maurizio Tadioli's workshop, Cortetano.